Commercial Flooring Contractors

Flooring is the foundation of any structure, and it needs to stand up to the rigors of the Midwest’s changing weather conditions. We offer flooring solutions from repair to installation of your commercial floor.

Services Include:

  • Ceramic, stone, VCT, laminate, plank flooring, and carpet squares
  • Walk off mat including Schluter strip install
  • Transition strips, reducer strip, and carpet edging
  • Cracked tile, broken tile, missing tile, and trip hazards
  • Subfloor leveling, floating, and patching
  • Replacement and repair of stained, lifting, and Spaulding flooring
  • Moving of fixtures and furniture, installation of base trim, shoe or replacement of thresholds
  • Replace missing grout and re-grouting
  • Insurance and water damage claims

Flooring can present commercial retailers with many challenges. When a customer steps foot into your location, they are not usually looking down as they visit and shop your location. Trip hazards are the number one liability when it comes to claims. We can help you with a better floor maintenance program. We work nights so as to provide minimal impact to your business. We do the entire haul away, disposal, and clean up. Whether it needs repair or replacement, let us help make your next flooring call an easy one.

Maintenance Made Easy (M2Easy Inc.),. Was incorporated in 2006 as an Illinois Corporation. M2easy Is fully insured with General liability, Workman’s Comp, Auto and Bonded for your peace of mind and protection. We strive to provide the expertise you need and the quality you deserve. Our professional technicians are the best in the business. We bring our repair and restoration solution to your door, tailored to your diverse needs and schedule at an affordable rate. We listen intently, act responsibly and perform professionally, to provide you a customized solution to meet your professional handyman services requirement and make your next Call an Easy One.

To maintain our goals, we bring decades of experience, including customized building maintenance and commercial repairs to work for you every time you call upon our services. You will be greeted by an experienced service professional who is a highly proficient tradesman; our promise is to make your next repair experience a positive one.

Commercial Flooring Contractors

When it comes to commercial flooring, our services include a diverse range of options for removal, repair, and installation. Our skilled team is well-versed in working with various materials such as ceramic, stone, VCT (vinyl composition tile), laminate, plank flooring, and carpet squares. We pay meticulous attention to detail while handling every project.

Not only do we focus on the main flooring itself, but we also ensure the overall quality by providing walk-off mat installations that include Schluter strip installments. Additionally, our expertise extends to the precise implementation of transition strips, reducer strips, and carpet edging for seamless transitions between different types of floorings.

Commercial Flooring Repair

Understanding that even minor issues can pose hazards within a workspace setting, we promptly address cracked tiles, broken tiles, or missing ones, along with any other potential trip hazards. Furthermore, subfloor leveling, floating, and patching are part of our service offerings, ensuring smooth and long-lasting results throughout your space.
At times when stained, lifting, or Spaulding flooring surfaces mar the aesthetics of your business environment- fret not! Our specialists possess extensive experience in providing top-notch replacement and repair solutions tailored specifically for such cases.
We understand that rearranging fixtures and furniture during any renovation could be tedious. We’ve got you covered there too! Our team will handle all aspects of moving fixtures and furniture to ensure your space is ready quickly without causing unnecessary disruption. Besides, the accurate installation of base trims, shoe replacements, or threshold replacements further elevates both functionality and visual appeal.